Manhole - _All Is Not Well_
(Noise Records, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
Heavy shit happening here. The debut album by Los Angeles rap/metal/hardcore quartet Manhole, _All Is Not Well_, is a bludgeoning assault of socially conscious lyrics and anger. The album's songs deal with topics ranging from rape to racism to sexism, and when singer/screamer Tairrie B. sings them, they seem so real and so "in-yer-face." From the opening chords of "Hypocrite", the albums kicks into some serious grooves and rhythms that do some serious work on your cranium. Get kicked hard and violently by such lash-outs as "Empty", "Victim", and "Cycle of Violence". Producer Ross Robinson (Korn/Deftones/Sepultura) has done a remarkable job capturing the intensity and live feel of the band on CD and the band play off that work by delivering overbearing doses of adrenaline numerous times throughout the debut. Raw and downright ruthless at times, Manhole's debut will no doubt catch the ears of fans of such diverse bands as Korn, Rage Against the Machine, and Life of Agony.

(article published 18/11/1996)

10/11/1996 A Bromley Type O Negative / Life of Agony / Manhole A Night of Negativity
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