The Gathering - _if_then_else_
(Century Media, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (9.5 out of 10)
I remember when 1998's double-disc _How to Measure a Planet?_ [CoC #36] came out and many critics harped all over the band for expanding their sound and (god forbid!) trying new ideas. That record was brilliant, showcasing the band's finesse at song structure and solid production. But there was indeed something missing. The missing link is found in The Gathering's new disc titled _if_then_else_, an interesting ride of sonic bliss and stunning vocal arrangements. The music creeps along with subdued passion and mesmerizing segues of lustful melodies -- and never lets go. Get sucked in by opener "Rollercoaster", "Bad Movie Scene" and the ultra-cool "Analog Park". This all comes together quite well, and in the end The Gathering's sonic brew of masterful collaborations presents itself in true talented fashion. Other than her masterful work on my fave album _Mandylion_ [CoC #7], singer Anneke van Giersbergen has never sounded so radiant.
(article published 12/8/2000)
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