Children of Bodom - _Hatebreeder_
(Nuclear Blast / PHD, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (6 out of 10)
Out of the starting gate I really, really liked this record, but as time went on there was something missing from _Hatebreeder_ that was in full swing on the band's previous effort _Something Wild_. Maybe the "wild" of the band was put to a minimum here? Maybe so, as the band transcends through a thick pallet of heavy riffs, out of control vocals and a speed factor that would topple most semi-trucks. But through all the goodies found on this record, it still doesn't match the complex and harsh deliverance of _Something Wild_. Maybe I was expecting a better record? Who knows? It's unfortunate that the band wasn't able to carry over some of the ideals that really hit a nerve in me. Sure I was excited with the new material, but once I was provided with enough time to take a listen, it just seems pretty standard. Hate me for saying this guys, but I was anticipating a better effort. Next time? I hope...

(article published 15/6/1999)

12/8/1999 A Bromley Children of Bodom: The Chil'Un Must Rise
16/1/1999 A McKay Children of Bodom: Wild Child
19/4/2011 J Carbon 4 Children of Bodom - Relentless Reckless Forever
22/7/2003 Q Kalis 7.5 Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
13/5/2001 A Wee 7 Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
8/7/1998 B Meloon 8 Children of Bodom - Something Wild
29/11/2006 J Smit Slayer / In Flames / Lamb of God / Children of Bodom Hung, Drawn & Quartered
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