Twenty years after our inception, on August 12, 2015, Chronicles of Chaos has ceased publication. It is with a heavy heart that we've come to this decision, but the timing seemed right given the changing face of metal journalism. Chronicles of Chaos was always dedicated to thoughtful, long form articles that put more emphasis on quality and insight than on scooping everyone else. We have never had any intention of changing our modus operandi despite the waning interest in reading about music when listening to said music is just a Google search away. We're ending this chapter of our lives with editorials from Gino and Pedro along with opinion articles by current and former writers, reflecting on their relationship with Chronicles of Chaos and its relevance throughout the years. Plans are in place for Chronicles of Chaos to remain online as an archive, in perpetuity, providing free access to over 7,500 articles. Also we'll be leaving open one last email address by which you can contact us, for any reason, going forward. We'd love to hear from you at:
8 Blood of Christ - ... A Dream to Remember
5 Blood of Christ - The Lonely Flowers of Autumn
Blood of Christ: The Blood Is the Life
Dark Funeral / Blood of Christ / Endless Satanic Swedes and Chugging Canadians
Macabre / Anonymus / Bunchoffuckinggoofs / Blood of Christ Halloween Havoc
Blood of Christ / Morbid Angel A Meeting of Deities
Obliveon / Blood of Christ / Solus Obliterating Obsolescence
Hemdale / Blood of Christ / Flesh Fest / Wicked Fuck the Fog
Brutal Truth / Blood of Christ / Dirge Sounds From the Embassy
Cryptopsy / Blood of Christ High Quality Metal, Low Quality Fans
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All contents copyright 1995-2024 their individual creators.  All rights reserved.  Do not reproduce without permission.

All opinions expressed in Chronicles of Chaos are opinions held at the time of writing by the individuals expressing them.
They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else, past or present.