Nitrous - _Outlaw Racer_
(Nailboard Records, 2008)
by: Quentin Kalis (7 out of 10)
Having established themselves as a dominant force in the Estonian metal scene, Nitrous have little reason to steer away from the drag-racing thrash of their debut. Far from being adolescent fantasies of the under-endowed, founder Lauri Kuriks is a champion drag racer and has paid his musical dues in Baltic metal institution Loits. The tread is starting to wear thin on the founding concept though -- there is only so much to be said about driving pimped up cars really fast. Musically, the thrash chassis is retained, albeit with a bit of tweaking, to provide a slightly more focused and superior sounding attempt, but still the same ol' Slayer / The Haunted-in-a-modern-context approach, which clearly still has a lot of mileage. To summarise, this model is basically the same as the previous album, only with slightly better production, riffs and arrangements.


(article published 21/5/2009)

3/10/2007 Q Kalis 7 Nitrous - Dominant Force
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