Omnium Gatherum - _Years in Waste_
(Nuclear Blast, 2004)
by: Jackie Smit (7 out of 10)
It's been a year of ups and downs for melodic death metal. On one hand there have been sterling releases by Wintersun and Insomnium -- proving that a few simple twists on what has become an increasingly tired blueprint can still create some very memorable metal moments. Unfortunately the reverse has also been true, and never more so than in the case of acts like Mercenary, who with _11 Dreams_ delved into realms of mediocrity not seen since Mystic Circle inflicted _Damien_ on the music world. _Years in Waste_ is Omnium Gatherum's third full-length effort (their first for Nuclear Blast) and falls squarely in the middle of these two polar opposites. Hinting at the progressive, sci-fi-tinted sound of Nocturnus (circa _Thresholds_) on more than one occasion, the Finns entertain in fits and starts. By turns, _YiW_ is challenging and inventive ("The Fall Went Right Through Here"), and by others exasperatingly average ("No Moon & No Queen"), but ultimately the over-saturation of the melodeath scene, and a host of superior acts, hardly helps to elevate _Years in Waste_ to the stratosphere of essential listening.


(article published 29/11/2004)

12/2/2012 M Dolson 10 Omnium Gatherum - New World Shadows
30/9/2008 K Sarampalis 8 Omnium Gatherum - The Redshift
20/4/2007 K Sarampalis 7 Omnium Gatherum - Stuck Here On Snakes Way
29/9/2003 P Azevedo 8 Omnium Gatherum - Spirits and August Light
26/3/2003 P Azevedo 8 Omnium Gatherum - Steal the Light
12/8/2000 P Schwarz 2 Omnium Gatherum - Promo 99
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