Blood Duster - _Cunt_
(Relapse Records, 2001)
by: Quentin Kalis (5 out of 10)
Whilst Blood Duster are essentially a grindcore band, this description is largely inaccurate due to the groove underlying all the songs. A better description would perhaps be "stoner death" -- if possible, imagine Kyuss playing death metal, and that will provide a good idea as to what this album sounds like. Highly irritating are the sexually orientated samples that act as intros for many of the songs. Inclusion of these samples may be shocking to, say, Catholics, but Blood Duster's target audience are unlikely to find the samples shocking or cutting edge; merely tired. They are not shocking nor disgusting; rather they suggest that a couple of sexually frustrated, hormone- laden fifteen year olds had a hand in the construction of this album. Meanwhile, song titles such as "Atracksuitisnotappropraitemetalaparel" and "Speven" suggest that AC rather then Carcass served as an influence for Blood Duster. Songs such as the aforementioned are initially amusing, but the novelty quickly wears off and one is left with what is at best a rather mediocre album. This would be a good album to put on to have a good laugh with a couple of metalhead friends, but beyond a few cursory listens this is unlikely to get played after the first week or so.

[Paul Schwarz: "Bass-ridden, crusty, punchy grunt-grind, unsoiled by skilled hands or forward-thinking brains. Short, simple and lacking even a grasp for real emotion, _Cunt_ left me entirely cold. If there's a point to basic-form grind/death with no outstanding qualities, could someone explain it to me, please?"]

(article published 3/7/2002)

11/10/1996 A Wasylyk Blood Duster: Dusting the Outback
5/4/2003 X Hoose 9 Blood Duster - DFF
10/1/2001 A Bromley 9 Blood Duster - Cunt
13/4/1998 A Wasylyk 3 Blood Duster - Str8 Outta Northcote
12/8/1996 G Filicetti 9 Blood Duster - Yeest
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